Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
“Creating a movement is the most important thing, because if you create a movement, then no competitor can match you.” - Daniel Rosen, Founder and CEO of Credit Repair Cloud.
From juggling on the streets, being a comedian, being in the show business for 30 years . . . to building a million dollar tech business - Let’s hear Daniel Rosen’s amazing story of growth and success!
Listen in as we talk about how he pivoted his career out of entertainment and into the world of tech entrepreneurship.He shared how he was able to overcome different challenges in his entertainment career, and how he was able to be where he is right now as a happy millionaire, after being homeless at a young age, and after a bank error ruined his credit and devastated his finances, which almost made him lost his precious house.
You will learn so much from his inspiring journey of how he managed to build a purposeful business that helps thousands of people today, just from literally nothing. Literally from zero to 100!
From juggler to millionaire! How incredible!! Make sure to listen to this encouraging conversation with Daniel Rosen. Stay tuned!
0:00:00 Introducing the Happy Millions Revolution to Daniel Rosen
0:06:35 Interview with Entrepreneur and Business Coach, David Rosen
0:07:18 Celebrating Surpassing $50 Million in Sales
0:09:12 The Early Life and Career of Daniel Rosen
0:11:15 How I Found Purpose And Success in Credit Repair Software
0:15:21 Overcoming Challenges to Build a Successful Business
0:21:40 Building a Team and Finding Mentors for Business Success
0:23:31 His Beliefs Before Being A Leader And What He Learned From It
0:25:45 Importance of Building A Movement
0:31:17 The Power of Storytelling: How to Leverage Your Personal Story for Success
0:34:20 Overcoming Depression
0:40:04 A Part Of Daniel’s Story That He Hasn’t Told Anybody Yet
0:41:52 Fast Q&A with Daniel Rosen
“[Importance of] Finding mentors. The ten years that I was going in circles and going backwards and nothing was working. I was so arrogant. I thought I knew everything. And Grace would say, you should meet with other people who have businesses.”
“If you try to do everything yourself too long, you kill yourself. And you kill yourself financially, you kill yourself spiritually, you kill yourself emotionally, and you burn out. You just burn out in so many different areas.”
“I really feel like we do change lives, and we help our customers to change lives. In fact, because through that, we, of course, have a mission.”
“I think creating a movement is the most important thing, because if you create a movement, then no competitor can match you.”
“The storytelling, that's such an important part of being able to get them to follow you in the movement. They have to relate.”
“Do it anyway. Do it every single day, even if no one's watching at first. Go live. Just do it again and again and again.”
“The reason why your significant other probably believed in you so much is because you believed in yourself so much, too. You had so much conviction in what you were doing.”
“If you set out to make money, sure you'll make money, but your business probably won't grow very far, and you won't have a very fulfilling life. But if you really have a passion for what you do and for helping your customers and for changing lives, that's when you're going to have the biggest success. That's when you're going to feel the best, and the money just comes.”
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Finding Different Types of Love As Entrepreneurs With Amber Kelleher-Andrews
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
“It's not the money that makes them happy. The money is the result of being happy with what you do. So when I hear Happy Millionaire, I hear Self-made Millionaire.” Beautiful words from this episode’s guest, Amber Kelleher Andrews!
Amber is an amazing relationship matchmaker, who is the co-founder and CEO of Kelleher International, one of the largest matchmaking firms in the US.
Inthis episode, we talked about the different types of love as entrepreneurs, the importance of being authentic, healing from past and hidden traumas, and how love and authenticity will make us happy millionaires.
Make sure to tune in to this incredible podcast episode with Amber!
00:00:00 Introducing Amber Kelleher-Andrews And Her Family Business
00:07:03 Helping People Find Different Types Of Love
00:07:59 Entrepreneurs That Have Partners Wired In An Incompatible Way
00:12:53 The Start Of The Love Match Process
00:16:04 Victimization and Entitlement
00:21:28 Amazing Amber’s Superpowers
00:24:37 Reading With Eyes Closed
00:26:49 Authenticity As A Key Player To Be A Happy Millionaire
00:29:00 About Healing Of Past Trauma
00:30:40 Hypnotherapy In Healing Hidden Trauma
00:32:20 Fast Q&A
00:06:50 “I think we, as entrepreneurs, wanna be able to be ourselves. We want to be able to express ourselves in as many ways as humanly possible.
00:11:09 “It's not the money that makes them happy. The money is the result of being happy with what you do. So when I hear Happy Millionaire, I hear Self-made Millionaire.”
00:13:59 “If they're unwilling to look at themselves, if they're unwilling to learn, then they're probably not gonna make a great client. Because we have to go on the journey with them. And we're going back and forth in the feedback. We're finding out what they liked, what they didn't like, and why. And if they're unable to have that conversation and do self-reflection, then we're not gonna get anywhere.”
00:25:44 “Believe in love. Love should be at the center of everything that we do. Love works.”
00:26:12 “You have to love yourself before you can love another, and then you share.”
00:27:03 “I think authenticity is really important and we look for that when we're first talking to somebody on the phone . . . Because if they are not an authentic person, they probably aren't very good at being able to articulate what part they're playing in the relationship.”
00:28:05 “If you are attracting somebody that breaks your heart when you're open and authentic, then you're not truly being authentic enough to yourself because that person should not have come into your realm. So it's not about ‘I'm gonna close myself so I can't get hurt. It's about why am I still not truly authentic to myself? Why am I truly not getting this yet?’"
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Access Your Consciousness with Dain Heer
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
“For every conclusion, every decision, every judgment you make, nothing that doesn’t match that conclusion, judgment or decision can come through.” - Dain Heer
Powerful words from a very Happy Millionaire. Has his life always been happy? No. He has created happiness and light in his own world by embracing his own consciousness and being and helping others to do the same.
Dain Heer is a best-selling author, change-maker, speaker, creator of International Being You Day, and the co-creator of Access Consciousness, one of the largest personal development movements practiced in 176 countries around the world.
We are sitting down to chat about a hodgepodge of things, not the least of which is his story and how he went from considering taking his own life to helping others find beauty and happiness in theirs. Dain empowers others to harness their gifts and their brilliance in order to impact the world in big and meaningful ways.
Listen in as we chat about entrepreneurship and why it’s so important that you embrace the KAPOW ideal in whatever way it speaks to you!
0:00:00 Introducing Dain Heer
0:02:43 A Journey to Happiness: Dain’s Experience of Overcoming Invalidation and Depression
0:07:54 Conversation About Our Identity and The Power of Being Different
0:13:38 Exploring the Weight of Lies and The Need for Authenticity in Entrepreneurial Communities
0:18:02 How Congruence and Open-Ended Questions Create Space for Change
0:21:19 Keys That Help Struggling Entrepreneurs
0:30:20 Conversation on Quantum Physics
0:34:07 Being The Fullest, The Highest and Most Fulfilled Version of Themselves
0:36:15 The Impact of Self-Judgment and Fear of Judgment on Personal Growth
0:40:53 Are You Placing Too Much Significance on Judgment?
0:46:45 Neutrality Doesn’t Mean Numb
0:50:30 Setting Boundaries and Navigating Life Decisions
0:56:21 A Turnaround Story of Mompreneur
1:01:37 Fast Talk Q&A
“I would say if the identity requires that much effort to grasp and reach for, it's not truly us being us. And the easiest and the most challenging thing in the world is for us to truly be us.”
“When people say you're weird, the proper response is, thank you very much, and they go, It wasn't a compliment. And I go, if you knew what it was, if you knew what it actually meant, it actually is, thank you very much.”
“We actually navigate the world energetically. We are energetic beings. First and foremost. Energy is our first language.”
“Your point of view creates your reality.”
“If they can maintain their connection to the struggle or the trauma that they experience, the abuse they experience, whatever it was, then they'll know when it's around the corner so they can avoid it.”
“It is possible to transform your reality, to transform your day to day, living, breathing perspective. Part of what it requires, though, is the courage and the vulnerability to make a leap into experiencing your reality differently.”
“If you're living a life where your primary concern is other people's judgments, are you truly living?”
“You get what your point of view dictates that you should get. And one of the things I'm grateful for about access is the ability to change your point of view. When you realize it's a limited point of view, you have the ability to change that point of view so it no longer haunts you that way because it shouldn't.”
“Neutral doesn't mean numb. Neutral means being able to look at something and go, I choose this and I'm not reacting to that.”
“If we're resisting and reacting to the world around us, then we're always in a state of trying to fight against the world to get things done, get things created. If we're aligning and agreeing all the time, everybody else's point of view becomes more valuable to us than ours.”
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Feed Your Mind and Find Happiness with Darren Stephens
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Happiness and success are not defined by the number of zeros in your bank account. If you became an entrepreneur to have greater control over your life and time, and then you cede that control to your business, did you really succeed?
Darren Stephens is a self-made millionaire and is a seasoned business executive entrepreneur, growth strategist, bestselling author, and consultant. For more than 20 years, Darren has taught internationally, speaking to and motivating thousands of people in over 27 countries on how to create business, personal and financial success.
His ability to help others find their true path through neuro linguistic programming, hypnosis and human design has helped transform his career and also the lives of those he’s helped.
In fact, I’m one of those people. I’m not a huge fan of public speaking and just before stepping onto a huge stage, Darren treated me with hypnosis and I knocked that speaking gig out of the park.
Darren joins me to chat about what it means to truly be successful and why the happiest millionaires are the ones who operate in their purpose. No matter if you’re religious or spiritual, the universe knows what you need. You simply have to ask!
Listen in to hear all of his amazing insights and get a better idea of what it takes to be a happily successful millionaire. Here’s to living life authentically and being real, raw, and honest!
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Ann Kaplan is the CEO and President of iFinance Canada Inc. In this new podcast episode, Liz Benny and Ann Kaplan discussed networking, overcoming adversity, listening to life’s whispers, adapting to changes in business, and more! They also talked about the different key traits in order to achieve your goals and dreams, both in life and in business.
Ann shared what made her say “yes” to be in The Happy Millions Show Podcast and how her experiences in life made her who she is right now.
This episode is especially for entrepreneurs in pursuit of their dreams and happiness and working moms thriving for success!
0:01:28 Anne Kaplan in creating her network0:02:44 Conversation about courage and preparedness0:04:26 Intuition: How do you know that “IT” is for you?0:05:46 Why she agreed in being in The Happy Millions Show Podcast0:08:13 What Ann wants to be best known in the world for0:10:04 Going for what makes you happy and living off your values0:14:01 Overcoming adversity; Thriving through divorce0:15:50 The power of mindset: Finding happiness and success in business0:17:38 What Ann loves the most in her business0:19:57 Owning your values and listening to life’s whispers0:23:07 Self-awareness and adapting to change in business0:27:53 Message for people who are in the pursuit of other people's dreams0:30:13 Joys of Motherhood and Marriage0:36:16 Reflections on Life Experiences and Decisions0:37:52 Fun Q&A with Ann Kaplan0:42:42 A Message to Working Moms
”I believe strongly that it takes a little bit of self-awareness, but it takes hard, hard work. And you know that nothing can get in the way but yourself. You can be driven because you get out of your own way and you just keep running. And I think if I'm not going to make it, it's only me that I have to blame. And if I make it, I can pat myself on the back.”
“Happy is something that I live happy. I actually choose to be happy. And I tell my kids it's a choice to be happy.”
“You go for everything that makes you happy and you get out of your own way. I think the people that go for what makes them happy, but also they live their life on their values.”
“It takes understanding the business, it takes understanding opportunities, more than that. But if you are confident in your business approach and you've done the work, yes, I do think that in business, you have to get the lay of the land too.”
“I started from nothing and literally nothing, and but I never looked at where we were going or where we were. It was just keep moving on, keep making change, keep going, keep going. Keep the cost down. And it was focus and hard work. It was not easy, but it was not hard.”
“I think whatever statement you have that comes out of your mouth, you own it. Don't pull back and say sorry. Make sure that you understand the person. Speak from your values and state things that mean something to you . . . If you're going to call a name to somebody, if you're going to do something, own that, don't do something and then go back and say I'm really sorry I said that, I wasn't thinking in the moment.”
“I'm proud of recognizing that change has to happen if you want to be ahead in business.”
The “Happy Millions Show” Creator
Hey there! I'm Liz Benny, the CEO, and Founder of Kapow Enterprises.
I'm launching this podcast to celebrate Happy Millionaires. As a self-made multi-millionaire, I have made millions angry (proving myself to others) and millions happy (fulfilling my lifelong dreams) - and my mission is to prove to business leaders that it is possible to make money AND have fun on the way. The Happy Millions Show podcast is celebrating stories of non-linear success and the joyful anecdotes that will help inspire others to create happy millions.
I LOVE having conversations with Happy Millionaires around the world about redefining the way the world views entrepreneurship and success.
The Happy Millions Show is the most impactful podcast that you have ever consumed!